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New Beginnings - Starting Traditions in Your New Home

If this is your first holiday in your new home, it is a perfect time to start some new traditions!  When you move, you don’t leave everything behind.  You bring your belongings and your memories and yes, your traditions.  But a fresh start in an unfamiliar house is just the inspiration you need to begin unique traditions that will make that house feel like your home.
Check out these fun ideas for creating new traditions:
  • Take and annual family photo. Choose a theme or a pose that you can recreate every year.  Label the photos with the date and create a photo book or framed collage with them.  It will be so much fun for your family to see how everyone changes through the years. Creative Family Photo Ideas
  • Incorporate a cultural tradition.  No matter what holiday you celebrate, you will find a cultural tradition to go with it.  Make it a family activity to research your heritage and make new discoveries about how your ancestors celebrated.  Multi-Cultural Holiday Celebrations
  • Gratitude. It’s not just for Thanksgiving. Sometimes we take all that we have for granted. A wonderful way to experience the holiday spirit is to express gratitude.  This can be a fun and meaningful activity for the whole family.  Go outdoors and find a branch to use to hold your “ornaments of gratitude”. Cut ornaments out of colorful paper and each day have family members write something they are grateful for on one. Then hang the ornaments on the “tree” to create a beautiful reminder of all that is right with your world!  Paper Ornament Crafts
If you are still in search of the perfect house to make your new home, contact Melissa Thompson for all your real estate needs! Happy Holidays!